Beauty and its context

 Beauty and its context

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”


“The happier you are the more beautiful you become.” 


Is Beauty also subjective?

Or does it have any context?

How can one judge whether something is beautiful or not?

We have been told since our childhood that what is beautiful and what is not.

Just like any other cliché, white is beautiful but dark is not, tall is good but short is not, being fat, fit, musculin or slim and the list goes on. All these mainstream cinemas have taught us, feed us this thing too.

All these eyes have been filled with dilemmas of what beauty really is?

Dilemma of aren’t we beautiful or are we just ugly as we are according to them.

No, the thing is we don’t know what beauty is and how it lies in all of us.

Even if we are imperfect, even if we don’t have a jawline or are short or our mammary glands aren’t in a good shape or according to them, the so-called mediocre society,”we are not representable”. The thing is we are imperfect, imperfection is what we are made of, and imperfection is what differs us from others, otherwise we all will be the same.

Just like orange is the new black, imperfection is the new perfection and the thing we could do is to try, to be perfect.

Coming on beauty, I don’t know if there is any meter to calculate how beautiful a person is, I mean how can you measure it or how can you recognise it.

We have been told about the beauty of shape, sizes and colours but we always forget that these things fade away with time. One can’t just live away their whole life on the basis of colour.

Let me tell you all the real meaning that I have learned what beauty is?

I may find someone pleasant, with whom I am comfortable with but again this becomes a cliché answer.

But what if I tell you the answer of why we find butterflies beautiful is because of their wider wingspan and the vibrant colours they hold in them.

Suppose if butterflies were plain white and in no shade, what would it be like to be?

Obviouslyyy, dull and not so attractive.

Same as above, people come in different colours, shades, size, race and all, and one can’t just predict or judge on the basis of appearance. 

Take time, and you will get to know that even a white coloured, beautiful according to so called mediocre society can be a pathetic piece of shit with whom no one will like to associate with.

Humans are simply different from others as they come with so many and different layers in them.

To see these beauty, to experience it you just need those eyes and mindset. You can’t be just biased on the colour, shape or size. All these will surely attract anyone but to fall in love all you need is to know them and their beautiful perspective and thoughts.

Raw thoughts and raw emotions are what you are really made of and it is the basis of you being differentiated from others. Your beautiful thoughts intensifies your beauty to the seventh sky.

There is this one beautiful line which states that,”you need to raise your words not voice.It is the rain which makes the flower grow, not thunder”.

Everyone is different, everyone is simply unique, you are you and I am I, and we really don't need anyone’s validation which ultimately degrades our self confidence, puts us in self doubt. Be what you are, wear what you are comfortable with and no need to pretend what you are not because,”It’s better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not.”

And you all know what?

Surely the best thing we can wear is our raw smile, that we all give when it’s not needed.The best curve on the human body, which can lighten any condition, will make you feel light. Smiling is one of the most underrated and underappreciated things because we never know, to which extent it can take us.

Coming to next, Is beauty subjective?

Obviouslyyy, it is. 

One criminal could find a perfect crime a beauty but the ordinary people would definitely find it pathetic and disgusting. But the one who tries to find beauty in shades of people is also pathetic.

To be exact and precise the beauty is one which gives you a pleasant sense, relief and can last forever and never fades away from your mind and heart, it can be either a face, a personality or even a piece of art. The thing which is not only pleasant to your eyes but to your mind also, beauty is not to be distracted but to help in focusing. In short, beauty is not an object at any point, while people are busy objectifying beauty, which is just not done.

Her eyes could hold a 1000’s of stories, but what if you don’t know how to read them, if you don’t know what they are really trying to say, how could you see the beauty and on what basis would you judge those???

One can just extract beauty from little little things and that's where beauty lies.

Near to you, in you and all you need is to see them, see in yourself and you all will find out that we all are beautiful in different ways, because we all are simply unique.


  1. वाह भैया 💥 क्या लेखनी है , तुम्हारा कोई दोस्त शायर है क्या ? ;)

  2. दर्द कितना है बता नहीं सकते,
    ज़ख़्म कितने हैं दिखा नहीं सकते,
    आँखों से समझ सको तो समझ लो,
    आँसू गिरे हैं कितने गिना नहीं सकते


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