I don't know, seriously I don't🖤

I haven’t been this much confused ever. This thought has been in my mind for a long time and quit effectively and I don't know which direction I should go, further.

Dark dark everywhere, do I have to lit myself to see everything clear??

This is a tough time we all are going through, and I seriously don’t know what I should do and what I can do.

How do I help people or how do I help myself?

I am confused , of whom should I think of?? Or can I act like an ostrich, dig my head in and act like nothing serious is happening around.

I am confused, can I act a bit selfish, and stop responding to everything around me, just to be stayed with a positive mindset or to give a damn to every tragic thing going around and act like I care and get myself a full dose of negative vibes.

I don’t know, I don't know what to do?

Is there any middle way in it, so that I can get both of it. Can I get everything positive from all the things going around?

 But the thing is I can’t ignore all what is going on, I don’t know how to take positive things or positive aspects from people dying. It’s just like our country, countrymen dying all around and above all everything is on the way of falling apart if we didn’t take preventive majors now.

But at the end of the day, there is nothing I can do. I don’t know about you all, but all I can do by myself is to urge my loved ones, my connections to not to go outdoors, until and unless it’s necessary and it’s the best I can do.

When we will come out of this pandemic, we all will remember what our leaders did, what our officials did and how the real heroes did their job without caring about themselves.

But still I am confused and I know how to cope up with the things going on, when human life has

become so cheap that they are losing their lives at the gates of hospitals or in the lap of others.

I didn’t have the idea that one day, people will literally count their breath and will die without that.

But we all know that, from the bottom of our heart we are sick of all these things, now we don’t want much anymore. We just want to get back to the good old days, where Paris was romantic, hugs and kisses were a sense of affection and love only not an unintentional weapon. We want to meet people with a sense of physical touch, across the screen. We don’t want to be wrapped in plastic anymore, And with this warm little heart I hope we will come over this SOON.

I read this immensely beautiful line, "Hope is a delicate flower that refuses to be crushed under life's brutal heel”.



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