Stand strong even when it feels like everything is falling apart

 You need to stand strong

Times are sometimes difficult to pass and to live in. Sometimes they make everything hard, create hardship everywhere,in everything. Everyone does go through hard times, some people around us can be facing the same and we are unaware of them. 

Problems come and go, time changes everything around but what matters is how you fought all those, how you come up over them. Problems twist us, spin us, shake us but if we pass them, we come out cleaner, brighter and stronger than ever. When something, some conditions are trying to break you,trying to twist you all we have the option of fighting back, recoiling back harder than ever.These challenges,problems and difficulties are the mere hurdles that if you jump off each hurdle you will learn something, you will be stronger than you ever.

In difficult times, when our mental health is not in the best state, we should give ourselves time to be normal as sometimes it can be difficult to do normal things like eating,going out or socializing but remember these are temporary times and this time will go but how you face it will only matter.

These times are the exam which we need to pass in the best possible way, with the mixture of both emotional and logical thinking as well. We cannot only work on emotion or only on logic. A short simple rule to pass all these, is to focus on the end thing or can say focus on your extreme goal, and do whatever is needed to achieve that. Because after a couple of years if you revisit your memories and will encounter these times, you will either laugh at yourself or will regret the chances you didn’t take for your goal.

Time is the strangest thing in the world because the best and worst thing about it is the same and that is it changes and so do our life and almost everything.. Time is the best healer in almost everything if you want to come over your regrets.

These difficult times are the moments when we can see the real version of ourselves, these are the times when we are built up, these are the times when we can see real friends and foes.

These times can be a blessing for some people and can be a curse but at the end if we are going through tough times think rationally, work logically and outperform in the moment even if there is no one or everyone around you.

In these hardships all you need is your support for you at least, don’t be rude to you, just cherish yourself every now and then, see the beauty in and out and you will find yourself way more lucky and happy than many others. See across the horizon and you will see yourself really happy and will be proud of what you have done with yourself and in which state you are in.

Stay happy and stay enthusiastic towards your goal.

Good luck !!!


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