Self Love: As we all want from us...

 Self Love

Self love is incomparable and unproportional to what you feel towards others or what they feel about you, it’s all on you that how you feel about you in every condition and context.

Self love is kind of different from every kind of love though it is love but kind of most important and most underrated at the same time. There are certain words and phrases which have a certain different meaning and we mostly misunderstood them and self love one of a kind.

Self love does mean to be selfish but it is not opposite being selfish and at the same time it’s meaning is much different and far from it.

Selfish means to only think about you and no one else, or may think about you and your close ones and what happens to others due to your actions, you really don’t care. But on the other hand what self love is, it is about thinking about you as well as thinking about the people associated with you through your actions and decisions, and to whom your actions and decisions affect.

In the world of lack of time and morals, we generally get biased between either selfish or being ignorant. We are in a rush, we do not care of either of our own or of the people around. We either ignore the condition of our own or of the people around or if we don’t, we only take care of our own.

It does not require much effort to look after someone and look at you at the same time. It's good to look after someone but on the other hand just ignoring you, your needs, your health and mental health is not a practice to be appreciated, because it’s merely an act of foolishness.

Acc. to  Mark Manson, “Your self love is not proportional to how you feel about your successes, your self love is how you feel about your failures.A person who loves and cares for themselves does not have an overwhelming need to do everything right or perfect or correct for the first time.”

Your self love is on you.It’s on you, how you deal with every condition and how you react to yourself and how you treat yourself after all of these things.

So, beside all of these success and failure, ups and downs and of those lost and found, the most important asset is you and will always be and you will be the main factor of all those things stated above. No matter whatever happens, what you get or what you lose, but never lose yourself because if this thing is gone it will never come back like a time which never comes back.Your togetherness with yourself, your equal partnership with yourself is self love, you treating yourself in a positive manner is self love. Being with you even if you have everything or nothing is kind of self love.


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