Pain: An inevitable sense

 Pain of separation is far more bigger than anything you can think of and here failure is an exception because failure is not a pain but just a step towards your success and there is nothing to be sad of,just be curious about yourself and think which best thing waiting is waiting for me.

Most of our pain comes from separation, separation from our things we love, people we are close with or our separation from our dreams. Sometimes there is everything mixed up like separating from your loved one and to live with them was your dream, and now it’s all lost

But you know what?

There is a thin line between dream and reality and that is everything is good and according to you in your dream but not in reality.

We all should remember one such thing in our life that pain is inevitable and you can’t run away or can hide either but we should keep the thing in mind that “if pain may come it must come quickly because I have a life to live and I will live in the best way possible” by Paulo.

People suck in life, humans suck in life so just try to suck less, expect less and do more. Pain of being separated can not be cured potentially, only time has the power to do so and sometimes the will and connection is so strong that even time fails to take you from the pain of separation.

If this is it, then one should convert his/her pain into a weapon to fight for the future, for dreams and for life.

You can’t just avoid pain and live all around happily, yes you will find your happy place someday, I really wish, but if you think you can get rid of pain and all, then you can be wrong. Past haunts, past is stuck in your mind, and the pain is in your heart, that no one knows when it will fly away from you because you can’t just run away from it. All you can do to face it, and accept it, you have to live with it or the best thing you can do is to convert this pain into magic and positivity, which will cherish you, enrich your life and will make you love you. It’s just like if you can’t give up your anger then turn it into something beautiful and positive or can say something constructive which will ultimately help you instead of destroying you or to make you the person you never ever want to.

So whenever you fall, in the area of pain of being separated just stand again, clean the dust of being weak and blaming yourself and blah blah blah from your mind and think what else is far more important than it, as may be your another dream, it may be your another loved one or it will be your own loving life and self love and step up again and do not fear of anything as you are the most powerful personality in your world.

Sometimes you can’t get away from pain then start loving it, because the thing you love will one day definitely go, either want to or not,it doesn’t even matter.


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