..demons and sorrow

Demons in my heart,sorrow on my face,
pain in chest and weight on my head,
I could not figure out where I am now,
sticking on same boat from then and now,
show me some path,
show me some place,
atleast a space!!!
where I can shout out all of my pain,
and no one will give me a tag of being weak Again…
If god is alive, then show me some way,
otherwise I am dead as always.
Under the big, black sun,
in the saw dust of day and layers of night
let it come
into my chest, through my veins
into the heart and in my brain
let my dark, black, blue blood ran out of me,
and make me a pure soul again,
Demons, sorrow, weight and pain
I think I am in love of all these phase
And these thoughts in my mind will come again and again and again.

Showing your emotions won't make you weak..


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