"Pain to Pen" Miracle

Yes you can say, it was a dark day in my life as on that day everything associated with me was falling apart either the work , results or my relations with everyone. My condition was pretty same like of holding sand in hand, how hard you try to hold it, the more it slips from your hand.
It was the same morning like everyday and I woke up late as usual and literally had no work to do, so I picked up my phone and started to scroll and share memes as I thought it was a kind of productive work I thought, to let others smile at the starting of the day.After half an hour I rushed to get ready for my office as I have to reach there at 11 and all I had was 45 minutes in hand and it takes 30 minutes to reach my office.
Let me tell you all about myself, I am Vansh, an independent writer works in association with a firm now on a certain project otherwise I usually do my work from my home office as a freelancer. This firm, I am talking about is from Germany and is about to set up their automobile business in India and are in need of some business analysis team and a writer. I am living in this city from past one and a half years and earning pretty well as there is no investment and high return in this business.
I love some my very  own things either living or objects like of my family, friends, my diary and pen, my scooter and my books. But whenever I say my family it not only comprises of people with whom you have spend your childhood or those who have gave you birth but there is one special person in my life and can say, she is my best half also since my school time almost but not in school.
We were in same school, but we never met or interacted with each other. We got connected after the school was over as I was a different child in school, the one not having so many friends but still good at studies. We met through a wrong call she dial but it connected at right place. We both are in different cities persuing different careers in different field but mostly connected through phone calls, chats and video calls. She was always different for me as she was the only one in the school to whom I have noticed, such a sweet and innocent girl and having so generous and sweet gestures too which can make anyone fall in love, and even the melodious voice could add something positive and beautifies her too.I call her Miracle as when she came in my life, everything was changed in positive manner and my life was changed completely and she always had that good-luck that everyone want.
That day when I was in my office, she called me up as it was her lunch hours but I was busy in some stuff and I could tell you that in  our work there is no lunch hour thing as we just have to do only work and this type of tactic I have learned in hostel when we have too much work to do of our seniors so we just skiped our meals for the work to increase our efficiency and to reach the target.
She called me, with so much excitement ( she is always excited whenever she talks, full of energy) to tell me something important but I dumped her call as it was not possible for me to pick up. I know she was about to direct me to take my meal at time, which I was going to skip. At evening, when I got free, I called her firstly she did not pickup the call but on the second time she pick it up. At this time I was on the expressway, on my way to home. As soon as she picked it up, she yelled at me to be so careless and rude towards her as she had so much to tell me about the day. When I could answer her, something very heavy rammed over me and I just flew off from my scooter and fall unconscious in a moment and my phone was not in my hand, everyone just took me up and immediately took me to the hospital.
It took me almost a week to regain consciousness and almost all of my family members were present at the moment waiting for me came out of the coma and it was such a miracle for me that I came out of it, it was none less than a miracle that I came alive from that accident as it was all my fault that I stopped my scooter in between the expressway and a heavy loaded truck coming in high speed run over me but still I am alive now but there is a story behind  how I regain my consciousness as  my best friend who is always with me told me what had happened in this week. His name is Raman, my school friend and he knew almost about everyone who is associated with me, either my family, friends or my best half as we all were in same school.
He told me when I driven to the hospital and somehow he tracked me and got to know what had happened with first he rushed to the accident spot then to the hospital. He bones were mostly broken, blood was continuously coming out of my wounds and I was not in the state to talk or interact in anyway. He informed my family about what had happened and they came to the hospital as soon as they as live in different city. 
Four days were passed and there was no sign of movement or of recovery and I  was in coma, not able to respond anything. My mother was crying and no one can barely control her neither my elder sister or my elder brother(I am the youngest one the my house.). 
Like my mother Miracle was crying in her own city as first she was not able to contact when she connected to Raman and got to know about my condition she fell ill, as it was not possible for her to even think  of this condition, she told Raman she is coming to my hospital to see me, but Raman refused to allowed her, consoled her to not to come as my family was here and somehow he managed to stop her.
It wasRaman who was always with me, beside my bed, telling me our school incidents which no one knows I hate, for no reason. I can listen everyone but did not have guts or power to respond.
On fifth day, at evening when no one was around, Raman showed me some photos on which I did not reacted. But in between there was her photo, of me and Miracle together. We both have too less photos together which hurts me anyways. When it came in front of my eyes, I somehow don't know, how but I did. I raised my finger tip and Raman noticed it immediately, he figured out the pattern as whenever their was our photo I showed him some sort of movement as a type of response.
After half an hour he figured out something more than photos, as no one was around he video called her and now she was in front of me as I can see her and listen her voice as well. She burst out of crying as soon as she saw me on life support system fully covered in bandages. At first she had never saw someone in this condition in real life and now she saw it but it was her best half,is now lying on this life support.
This time when she cried, I literally can't do anything but to show some sort of movement by closing and opening my eyes. After few minutes, he cut the call and decided to let her come to the hospital to meet me, as there are more chances of recovery in her presence.
She packed her luggage and leave for my city. She came into the hospital and started searching for me and somehow she got to know where I am. She was about to rushed into my ward but my father stopped her asking who are you?
She was in no condition to reply, as who was she to me and what was our relation as it was not easy for us to disclose what it really was. The way she was crying continuously anyone can easily understand she was more than a friend. She started crying near by the gate of my ward and Raman was with still unaware that she was outside. Again I showed some movements more than of last time, Raman came outside and took here inside with him.
Finally after so long, we were in the same room and her essence was awaking me from my nap which I started a week ago. After my mother she was the only one who encouraged me for everything that I did or try and supported me and she always bring good luck along her me, she was lucky for me.
As she entered in my room, I was on life support system she saw my condition on the first sight and fell down immediately. She somehow managed to sit near me, all my family members were watching this from outdoor what is going to happen. She was shivering from top to bottom but still she managed to gather all of her courage to touch me and hold my hand. The heat and sensation of her touch encouraged me to lift up my arm to say something to her but what all I could do was to hold her hand more tightly which was like a sign to please stay, I need you. She did not leave my hand for  a long and soon I was showing some signs of recovery.Till now from the day we are together she never  cried in front of me but always on phone call. But when I saw her crying in front of me, I broke from inside like I was when my other family members cried. After almost 45 minutes, she put her hand on my forehead and rubbing it gently and making my hair. I was like, she is trying to say "please wake up everyone is waiting for you outside", it really worked like the heat of her emotions and feeling forced me to wake from my sleep which has lasted for almost a week. But still, I can feel, listen, move my finger but can't talk.
She came near my ears and said,"I am waiting here you, for the moment you wake up and will hug me tight and cover the whole dark night, make my heart smile and eyes shined".
The line worked and replied murmuringly," I won't let you wait more".
That evening Raman was not with me but my Miracle was there for me as she was the biggest factor for my recovery.
She even wrote a poem for me and recite it there it self:
She named it "My Half Moon"
"Lost somewhere in the shed of your tears,
resting on your arm,in hope you will see in my eyes,
in the hope to huge you so tight,
and for the meeting that never end’s,
and never have to say bye,
never to worry about any other thing,
but just you and never to say bye,
Her eyes were stucked on me,
I felt lifeless, blood ran out of me,
and I couldn’t fell my arm,
but her weight on me.
I could not believe it was me,
holding a hand and promising
and she was the best thing I could ever see
sea has turned into wine red
and I met master that day
and found my love that day
was not aware of the world and was jealous of me
but that day I was really happy.
I could feel my heart beating too slow
but world around me was changing too fast
sun was setting down,and night was raising dark
but still beautiful and leaves one mark.
I was praising the god, for this beautiful night
but the night does not last long,it’s alright
my dreams were shattered
I thought I was in trap,
and the sun broke my nap
and again I was empty hand
and there was nothing left to understand!!!"
She was the major factor of my instant recovery and made me able to share my story with you. 

We all got to see or experience some sort of miracles in our life but it's on us either we notice it or not, but it happens with all of us and all they do is to keep our hope to live life and feel alive.


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