Being Persecuted

We are the end of the world from the starting of this decade. At the starting of this year, we have witnessed world's largest rain forest was on fire, after then we are facing democratic unrest in India and many parts of world also, afterwards we were at the edge of world war 3 and soon we got the tragic Australia bush fire and several species of plant and animals were burnt alive and now a deadly virus is on the way to cover up the whole world soon.
And now we have experienced riots too on this list too at the capital of world's largest democracy. Don't know either the live is too cheap or the god is using too many unusual ways to decrease the population but whatever it is, it's merely because of us and our actions towards others, may be towards mother nature or our fellow countrymen . Killing anyone is not a good or a right action in almost any of the way and the right to live life is not only for humans and we had killed almost everything either plant or any other thing as we are killing our mother nature and exploiting it's resources also at a very high rate.
The rate of exploitation of every natural resource is damm high and our uncontrolled practices are going to make all these resources to be extinct.
In our childhood we have studied that sooner or later climate change is going to take place and will severely affect all of us but now not only climate but everything that is essential for living is changing all because of us. We have taken our planet to the sake of destruction and to an end which no one ever want.
All our activities knowingly or unknowingly comes back to us in different forms and does the same as we did. From the starting of the decade everything is at the step to collapse and almost every system is at high risk to be damaged severely from the today's scenario.
Humans are far way intelligent from every other species present in the planet but on the other hand we are most cruel one out of any of the species. Humans are so cruel that there is no such thing left in the earth that we did not kill or exploit just for fun or mostly for taste and this is what our actions towards every other thing is coming back to us in various ways that we can not imagine.
Since a deadly virus is on the row to get in touch with all of us as soon as possible and this virus has forced us to locked down the whole world and we can see it's positive effects also on our mother nature.
The level of pollution in every space had come to it's new low  just like the water lanes in Venice had become so clear like never before and fisheries and aquatic life can be seen in it instead of black water. Airplanes are also a major reason for the air pollution in our environment but since the whole world is on lock down and these services are on hold we could get a sense of bit pure air for a while as people are also not coming out of there homes and the world wide use of vehicles had come to a new low and we are getting a bit pure air for a while.
Since every coin has two faces, this deadly virus had also shown us a different face beside of taking lifes it had shown us how we can control pollution and can become vegan also and can live without using so many vehicles and can work from home too. This virus is going to taught us that we can live this life by only doing what is necessary and holds the top most priority for our living as there no need to travel all day long to every place and one can do work with same efficiency at there home and there is no need to eat so much meat as vegetabales is also a good choice as does not gave rise any deadly diseases. Vegan is not only a closed class of food but nowadays its a way of living too. One can get enough vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits more than meat and human body is for vegetables not for meat.
After the global outbreak of the virus we have experienced different actions of different countries, organizations and governments also. But most important and key role is on us to not to spread this virus to others by prohibiting travelling and maintaining proper hygiene, but these are not exceptional things as we expected flying cars in 2020 but we are teaching when and how to wash hands properly and how to maintain proper hygiene .May be the problem lies in us that we failed to teach these common things and of hygiene and what to eat. As a living creature who has the highest ability to think should know what to eat even after having plenty of options and not to eat everything that walks or move like that of bat, and because of this the whole world is in the middle of disaster now and what we can do now is to wash our hands properly and do not came in contact with others.


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