life: easy or hard

LIFE   is such a small word but had very deep meaning inside it and it requires almost full span of life to understand it's meaning although we also failed to understand it but it's the ultimate goal one should have in a life. We really don't know life is hard or easy, but we know how to discriminate when it's easy and when it's difficult. According to me, life is generally neutral in the beginning of most of us , not for everyone and then it's our actions that make's it easy or hard to survive in it. Suppose if you are given a task to climb a tree,you can if you know how to climb and it would be pretty easy for you to do it as compare to the one who doesn't know how to do so, but if he steps towards it and to climb it, he would failed definitely  but if he will try once more he will definitely climb bit more then previous and will not repeat the mistakes he had in previous times. That is what life is, trying and learning from one's own mistakes.If you had plenty of works then life seems short to you but if you had nothing to do then life is long and you will be bored and you just think when it will end or you will end it by yourself.

THEIR are certain points to summarize what life is , and why do we exist and how can we make it better :)
--> WE all know life is not a destination it's a journey to be experienced and at the end of the journey one should have beautiful feelings about one's life. Most of us have an ultimate goal in life to have so much wealth that to buy anything and to be relaxed after being retired from all your job/business, but do we know what all these things or all these goals leads to an ultimate goal in life i.e. at the end stage of your life one should have a beautiful past. This objective is correct at some perspective but the life is somewhat a bit different then it. Life is about making  impact on others and how other people  remember's you on the basis of your work towards society and people . Objective of one's had to be make impact on the society and be the reason of change on others life. Life is not just a four letter word, it requires whole life to understand what it is? and their are some exceptions who understand it too early and then they do what really had to be done and is the need of humanity.

--> Do we know why we exist??
Really we don't know our reason of existence on this planet.
What we are doing on this planet??
Simply destroying this planet slowly-slowly, our existence on this planet is not for killing others just for our entertainment . We are simply doing everything wrong and proving ourself's as a devil against everyone. We don't exist to kill others, to destroy the place where we live, we exist to make living easier to others and to increase standard of living of others .

:)Is life is easy?
It may be yes for some of us but no for most of us, but we don't know the basic rule i.e.  life is easy to be survived but hard to live.We all are going through some phase of problems in our life irrespective of being personal or professional but at that phase we thought life is tough but at same time having good time with friends depicts life to be easy and is good, but at the time of problem ,life seems hard to us.
Life is different at different perspective for us most of time,but we forgot life is never different at different perspective , it's same at all times.
For me life was never hard and I thought it's neither for most of us here, but can't we conclude that why was it no  for most of , that life is not easy for them. The answer is simple as they are confused between the meaning of survive and to live it. They just survive and to pass time without doing some productive, they don't wan't to be the change and don't wan't explore the reason of existence .
The main for no was because we are surrounded by so many negative wives which tells you so many times you can't do it, you are not of that level .All these stupid things lets you depicts life is hard. Life so much easy if you take right decisions at  right time and right action too. Then you will experience a different phase of life where it will seems to be so much beautiful then you expected.
Now it can be easily concluded by your side life was never that hard I was thinking of. 


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