His AND Her

:) "It was Nanu who had taken this NGO a new heights and I am really impressed by her work", said Ms.Syaahi. Ms.Syaahi was enough powerful women to fight alone against social evils and that' why she formed and NGO for women who are forced to worked as a prostitute and Nanu was one of them . Her real name Nandita and she belongs to a well-educated family and no need to do work like this , although she was only 16 when rescued from a red light area and she had been there  from last six years means since the age of ten she was there .A small girl with round face ,bright eyes without lights and a small girl meant to be play with toys ,the world had made her toy with whom everyone wants to play, she had faced so much just in age of 20 years .Though her story is like a film story but her real story is more worst then a story of a film ,when she was rescued from that area ,she  was not more then a dead body  but the only difference was that she was alive .Her story of rescue was also like a story of a film that how she manage to get out of that hell.
"Hey ,Nanu get up what are you searching since a week , you must be tired ;come on go get some sleep" ,exclaimed Ms.Syaahi but she was not aware that Nanu had got a goal to achieve now that to free the girls like her.Real name of Nanu was Nandita and was from Jamnagar ,living with small and happy family but not for long enough .They were four in their family consisting of her ,her father ,her mother and her brother. And sudden break of peace in their Jamnagar and riot took place .It was so crucial that that the mob was killing everyone and then asking their religion and they killed their parents too ,only Nanu and her brother was alive and all this happened when she was of 10 years and her brother was of 15.They took Nanu with them for their entertainment and nothing else. Her brother's name was A , as he was left alone .Not only their house or family but the city was destroyed.
As “A” was left alone , just like brain-washed rushed to the streets for the search of Nanu , and his search lasts for 4 days , but couldn’t Nanu as she was not there and all he got was anxiety , stress and hunger and became senseless because he had lost his family, his world in few minutes .He had saw that his mother and father were killed brutally and his sister was taken away from him .After searching for days ,now he was starving for life , for food but there was no hope but there was one hand that raised for the help for “A”, but the one who saves you but not in good faith always and this was too  going to happened with “A”.
The man who saved him ,gives food shelter ,shelter cloths and raised him was an agent of those terrorists who killed his family, the main motive of the man was to completely brain wash “A”. His name was changed ,he was then sent to a madarsa and was converted to a muslim just for their own purpose but was not aware of this. He was turned into a muslim studying in madarsa and later was sent to kashmir for his training in in a camp. He was being trained there for killing and bombing but even after the training he was having a soft corner for others and never kill anyone.
And here Nanu was :)
When Nanu was taken away, they took her for entertainment and for there lust only.There were so many girls like Nanu and they all were there for same purpose and their lust ,little angels were dead now  their were only three works in there daily routine i.e. sleep, clean floor and fucked on it. A girl of only ten years was later sold in an red light area in Mumbai and her routine was same here all she want was to escape from the hell but what a little girl can do at all . All her plans were fail in order to escape and after all she gets beaten and had to sleep without food for two days and after so much trials she had lost her faith and hope to get out the hell. But there is always hope or can say a sign of bright light in dark and that’s what happened with Nanu , as one day she got a customer almost a boy of 18-19 of age, although he was different from others.
Even at first sight anyone could predict it, when he saw Nanu and her in very disgraced and merciless condition as no-one was there to look upon her, but he was just like the helper from the god to escape from the hell. His name was Nivesh  and different from others in every aspect you could measure one, he was the only one who inspite of making love with her try to understand her condition and  manage to get out of the hell. The day was lucky enough for her to put her first step to get out of the hell, she delivered a message through Nivesh asking for help from whoever he can but all they got nothing , and their last hope was an NGO run by Ms.Syaahi from their she got help and finally she got out of the hell. Nothing was left in mind to think upon or to get a new start.
It’s been almost four years from now, and she had been recovered almost all her senses except his brother from whom she was separated at long ago, but she can’t forget it till now.
Since Nanu is in Kashmir now to met his brother, she doesn not remember his face exactly but can if he met her and all she was having a strong faith to achieve the only goal in his life. She was knowing about his brother is in  terrorist group that had destroyed their life killing there city and family.
She had taken a room on rent inn Kashmir near by their group in order get even a chance to saw her brother.
Almost two months had been passed and there was no sign of her brother and any terrorist activity so that she can figure out something fissy  or any clue of her brother. One bright and sunny day got to know about a terrorist attack in an army camp she had nothing to loose but everything to gain, and her whole world was now her brother. She had saved so many girls like her in so small time which is enough to earn respect but there is something more  then respect and that is life and what she is in really of need.
The plan of attack was on very next day as they does not want any delay in attack , and here in Mumbai MS.Syaahi got to know about Nanu’s plane to met her. She rushed to Kashmir to save Nanu as she know what terrorists does if anyone come’s between there work.
The day had come, the final day both brother and sister had a strong feeling to met each other but they can’t they both know each other through their work as they both were in newspaper headlines , they don’t know their exact faces but their love for each other make them to remind who they were. The attack was to be done on early morning at sharp 5:00 AM . Nanu had a strong feeling of the presence of Nandan who is now ”Nadeer-alam”, she knows her brother and he knows his sister the 9oonly difference between them was that only Nanu know the presence of Nandan. It was exact 5:00 AM, Nanu was half an hour away from the camp and Ms.Syaahi was about 2 hour away.
Terrorists had attacked on the camp and it was firing from both the sides, everyone was afraid to go their despite of Nanu because she had seen her brother going towards the camp with gun in his hands. Danger of life was everywhere but Nanu was not afraid as she know this could be her last chance to met her brother and she can’t let the chance go otherwise she will get too far away from her brother and can”t met him again, though she rushed between the firing despite to think about her own she was searching the face she wanna met and after shot two times on leg she recognize one face and feel an attachement with him .
She started shouting her name loudly so that he can hear it come near her but he was too far from her but somehow she made herself noticed. Here Ms.Syaahi was in rush as know that Nanu will be killed and she don’t want to loose her as she had treated her as her own child. As Nanu got Nandan”s attention he had recognised her and they both rushed to each other but not everything was in their favour as Nanu got shot by Nandan’s friend and so called terrorist and Nandan was shot on chest  by army men , but now they both met each their was a lot to talk about but there eyes were fillrd with tears and sorrow they both had faced and what they lost , they were lost in each other’s hand and cried as much they can but they were not having enough time to say goodbye to each other and there beautiful love story of brother and sister full of sorrow and pain and small part of love ends here.
After 2 hours encounter stops all terrorists were and Ms.Syaahi was waiting outside just to hug her so called daughter died and her brother too. She was in thinking of getting two children one daughter and son and all she got was two dead children one daughter and one son and all she does to pray for them and their family a happy life in  heaven and cried a lot that why she let her go???  
The depict all story in short ----
:) बूंद बूंद खुशियों से भरा था जो,एक पल में टूट गया,
कहां कहां से समेटा था जो, एक पल में बिखर गया,
सालो में जो बुना था सपना , वोह भी आज टूट गया,
बचपन से था साथ जिसका, वोह भी आज छूट गया,
उससे रूठी थी किस्मत, या वक्त ही ज़ालिम था,
साथ भी उसका छुटा जो सबसे काबिल था ,
वक्त का एक शहर भी आखिर उससे छूट गया,
संजोए थे सपने उस नन्ही सी जान ने जो घड़े में,
वोह घड़ा आज हवा में ही टूट गया!!!


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