Why to REGRET???

TIME has his own power to heel any wound. But sometimes wounds get's more worst or can say painfull that can make anyone so much weak that he/she can't even fight even hi day today problems.
The most famous or can say common wound that doesn't heel with time is regret, everyone has his own regret .But most common in all these is that why they don't does it it when they were having time for that now they don't.While asking someone about life experiences we all got to know that they have missed something in thier life and now they can't change it,but they don't know they can .They all forgots that all those coniditions are because of them for them and all those conditions which are now against you.
Let us all think for a minute that we all are infant and thier is no control over conditions but our parents make conditions favorable to usbut after growing up it's on our own to make it happened but what we do, we waste it at right time and then we regret .
Then how to overcome all these things first of all we have to stop wasting all these time on being regreting on ourself .If everyone regret on it's own past thier could be no better future and almost everyone have his/her own dreame to have a beautifull past rather then to regret on it.
Sometime we get chance to change our life but not always but most of time we left it thinking about others what they will say,but why we always  think so much about them they are not thiere tothink only about us neither they are going to help but rather then saying stupid things make us more depressed.We waste our time just to think on that damm stupid and selfish people who were always thiere to be jealous by our success they will always paa a stupeid worthless comment only make themself happy by making you unhappy.And what we do we think about them before doing anything,so just stop wasting your time and effort on them and do what you really wan't to do.
1.Not to do regret-life has both ups and downs,sometimes we raise or fall,we either get things or lost, instead of knowing this fact we regret why me, why only me….if I do that or don’t then  it will be fine,my friend we can’t change our destiny what should we will happen we have to move on…instead of regret.REGRET the thing that silently kills the soul.
2.Being insulted- It is not easy to bear the pain of being insulted by anyone.

So insteade of wasting time on why me or I could do it better it's time to do it now... 


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